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Approving or rejecting pending members

Find out how to approve or reject newly registered members that are pending approval

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

If you have enabled self registration of new members, you can choose whether new members require approval by an administrator before they can sign in and start using their account:

You can adjust this setting per membership type as well as globally, and you can require approval either for all new registrations, or only for those registrations where payment for the membership or joining fees has failed.

If there are members pending approval, this will be shown in the member overview:

Approving or rejecting pending members

To approve or reject pending members:

  1. Go to the People module to view your Members

  2. Click on the link in the banner or use the filter to view pending members

  3. Review any pending members as needed

  4. Use the context menu or multi-select and choose Approve or Reject

When rejecting a member, you will be able to specify a rejection reason and send the member an email to notify them of the rejection.

When approving a member, the member will automatically receive an email to notify them of their approval.

How to approve members before taking their payment

In some cases, you may want to approve members before you take their payment. This can be set up per membership type to give you the most flexibility.

  1. Go to Membership Types and click on the membership type you want to edit

  2. Open the Conditions, fee & registration card

  3. Click on the Registration tab

  4. Tick the checkbox to Only collect payment when member has been approved

With this option enabled, a transaction for the membership fee will be created on registration for the member, but they will not be prompted to pay.

Once the member has been approved by an administrator, they can sign in to Hello Club and complete their payment then.

Further reading

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