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Adding new members

A step by step guide to adding individual members

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

To add a single new member, go to your Members in the People module and locate the green plus button in the bottom right corner of the screen. The button’s icon will turn into an add member icon when you hover over it:

Click this button to open up the new member flow, which guides you through a series of steps where you can enter their details and setup their membership subscription.

Note: If you are looking to import all your existing members at once, please refer to our help article for importing members instead.

Step 1 – Member details

Personal details

The first step is to fill out some personal details. Don’t be put off by the number of fields you see – most of them are optional and don’t need to be filled out.

In most cases it is sufficient to only enter a member’s First name, Last name and Email address. The member can then fill out the rest of their details once they receive their welcome email. This will prevent potential data copying mistakes and saves you time as well.

Once you’ve entered an email address, a checkbox will appear to allow you to send a welcome email automatically right after the member has been added:

For more information, please refer to the relevant help article on welcome emails.

Club details and custom fields

In the next step, under the Club tab (depending on your settings, this could be called differently like Association or Organisation), you can enter additional details like their member number and date of signing up.

You’ll also find any custom fields that you’ve created here, which are all always optional for administrators.

Step 2 – Permissions

The next step deals with member permissions and allows you to specify what the member is allowed to do and assign specific roles to a member. You can always revisit these settings later and change them once the member has been added.

If your club is using our access and light control integration, you will also be able to indicate whether or not the member is allowed to override lights or doors.

Step 3 – Membership subscription

In the last step, you have the option to create a membership subscription for the new member. Tick the checkbox to select the desired membership and adjust the start and end dates if needed. Not selecting a membership will indicate that the member is a casual member without membership.

If the selected membership has an associated fee, you’ll be able to automatically create a membership fee transaction for the member as well. The transaction amount will default to whatever the membership fee is set as, but you are free to adjust this if needed.

You can always manage the member's subscriptions and transactions at a later stage, so feel free to skip this step if you’re not sure what membership to assign yet!

Next steps

Once you press Save, the new member will be added and you’ll be taken to their profile page. From here, you can do additional things like:

Frequently asked questions

Can I have multiple members with the same name?

Yes, when you try to add a member with the same first and last name as an already existing member, Hello Club will give you a warning to prevent duplicates. If they are two different people, you can simply ignore this warning and continue adding the member. 

Can members share an email addresses?

Yes they can. Hello Club does not enforce unique email addresses. This allows family members to share an email address, so that for example accounts of young children don’t need to have their own email address.

This also means you can assign the same email address to multiple members and still send them all an individual welcome email.

Do I have to setup a username and password for a member?

No, the member can do that themselves once they’ve received a welcome email. This way they can choose whatever username and password they like, and it allows them to use their Google or Facebook account to login as well.

Do I have to fill out all the member’s personal details?

No, in most cases it is sufficient to only enter a member’s First name, Last name and Email address. The member can fill out the rest of their personal details themselves, once they receive their welcome email. This will prevent potential data copying mistakes and saves you time as well.

Further reading

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