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Public Calendar

Learn about our public calendar and how to access it

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

Non-members and visitors can now see what's happening at your organisation with the public calendar. You can link to this calendar from your website or social media account, or embed it on one of your pages.

You can choose to display public events only, or include member-only events as well, in order to encourage new registrations or provide transparency on what events, programs or classes are on offer.

The public calendar is available to customers on our Standard plan and higher.


To enable the public calendar:

  1. Go to Settings > Events & Calendar > Calendar

  2. Tick Enable Public Calendar

  3. Choose whether to show all events on the public calendar, or leave the checkbox blank to show only public events

To access and share the public calendar:

  1. Go to Calendar via the Member's menu

  2. Select the below icon, located above the calendar

This will take you to your public calendar by opening a new tab. The link to this new tab can be copied to your website as a clickable link or embedded on a page using HTML.

Frequently asked questions

How do I create a link with HTML?

If you are using HTML to create links, you can use the following template:

<a href="Link address here">Your text or image here</a>

Simply paste the link that you copied into the href portion of the HTML link.

Will my links change if I set up a subdomain or custom domain?

Yes, when you set up a custom domain or subdomain, the links to your Hello Club portal pages will change. Please keep this in mind when creating links on your website. It's best to first choose a subdomain or custom domain, and then create the links.

Further Reading


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