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Bundled memberships

Learn how to set up bundled membership types for a group of members like couples or families, including some common examples

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

Hello Club allows you to create bundled memberships, which essentially means that a group of members, like a family, gets to share a single membership subscription.

In this article we look at the particulars of bundled memberships and provides a few common examples to help you set up your own bundled membership types.

Note: This article assumes that you already have a basic understanding of how to set up and manage your membership types. If not, please have a read through the Setting up membership types help article first.

What are bundled memberships?

A bundled membership is just like a regular membership. The only difference is that it allows a groups of members to share a single membership subscription.

Examples are Family or Couple memberships, where multiple family members join your club or organisation as a group, yet share a single membership subscription.

In a bundled membership, one of the members will be designated as the Primary member. The primary member is responsible for payment of the membership fees and renewal of the subscription when it’s about to expire.

All the other members in a bundled membership are referred to as Linked members, as they are linked to the primary member.

How to create a bundled membership

To set up a bundled membership, you essentially follow the same steps as outlined in the help article on setting up membership types, but you’ll do it two or three times depending on the structure of your bundled membership.

Set up the primary membership

First, we need to set up the primary membership type:

  1. Go to the Membership Types module

  2. Click the green button in the bottom right to create a new membership type

  3. Select Primary membership to create the primary/main membership

Next, enter all membership details, conditions and the membership fee as applicable and then save your membership when done.

Set up the linked memberships

Now that the primary membership type is set up, we can create linked memberships at attach them to the primary membership:

  1. Go to the Membership Types module

  2. Click the green button in the bottom right to create a new membership type

  3. This time, select Linked membership

  4. Under Linked to, select the primary membership you created earlier

On the next screen, enter a suitable suffix to differentiate this linked membership type:

In the next step, you can optionally specify an additional fee for the linked membership. You can also specify a limit to restrict how many times a linked membership may occur in the bundle:

This is useful for family memberships, for example restricting them to one partner and up to three juniors. Save the linked membership when done.

You can repeat this process as many times as needed to create several membership types linked to the same primary membership, for example Partner and Junior.

More information on managing fees for bundled memberships can be found in the dedicated help article.

Once your bundled memberships are set up, you can either let new members set up their bundled membership during registration, or you can assign one to them manually.

Setting up a bundled membership during registration

If the primary membership type is allowed to be selected during registration, members will be able to select it during the self registration process and assign the applicable membership type for each person in the group:

How many members they can assign for each linked membership type will depend on the limit that you set up earlier.

Assigning a bundled membership to your members manually

Follow these steps to manually assign a bundled membership to your members:

  1. Go to your Members in the People module

  2. Choose which member will become the primary member

  3. Edit this member and open their Memberships card

  4. Add a new membership for them and select the primary membership type

  5. Go over the other options and press Save when done

Next, repeat the following steps for each linked member:

  1. Go to your Members in the People module

  2. Find the linked member

  3. Edit this member and open their Memberships card

  4. Add a new membership for them and select the linked membership type

  5. Select the previously created primary membership holder

  6. Press Save when done

Examples and use cases

The following are some common examples and use cases for bundled memberships.

Couple membership

One of the most basic bundled membership types is a couple membership for two related members. One of the members will be the primary member, responsible for paying the membership fee and renewing the subscription when it expires, and the other will be the linked member.

To set up a membership for couples:

  • Create a primary membership called Couple

  • Create a linked membership called Partner (limited to one member)

Family membership

Another common bundled membership is a family membership, . One of the parents will be the primary member and the rest of the family will all be linked members.

To set up a family membership for two parents and their children:

  • Create a primary membership called Family

  • Create a linked membership called Partner (limited to one member)

  • Create another linked membership called Junior (can be limited as well)

One-parent family membership

If you charge less for a one-parent family, you can set this up as a separate membership type. The parent will be the primary member and the juniors will be linked members.

To set up a family membership for one parent and a number of children:

  • Create a primary membership called One-parent family

  • Create another linked membership called Junior (can be limited)

Corporate membership

Corporate memberships are another common use case of bundled memberships. In this case, the manager or one of the employees will be the primary member, and the other participating employees will be linked members.

To set up a corporate membership:

  • Create a primary membership called Corporate

  • Create another linked membership called Employee (can be limited)

Tiered pricing

You can also use bundled memberships to set up tiered pricing for membership types that are discounted as more people are added to the membership. This can be applied to family memberships, corporate memberships, or any other kind of group membership.

To set up a membership with tiered pricing (we’ll use Family as an example):

  • Create a primary membership called Family

  • Create a linked membership called 1st member, limited to 1 member, with the base price for additional members.

  • Create a linked membership called 2nd member, limited to 1 member, with a higher or lower price.

  • Repeat this until you have created enough tiers.

  • Optionally, create a final linked membership which is not limited, for any additional members beyond the available tiers.

Further reading

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