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Contact tracing for members and visitors

How to log members and visitors coming to your facility to abide by COVID-19 regulations and help with contact tracing efforts

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

We have developed a special visitor log/check-in module that will help you keep track of anyone that visits your facility, and allow you to export that data to help with contact tracing efforts should that be required.

It's easy to setup and use, and visitors will be able to scan a QR code and do the check-in their own device, so they don’t have to touch a shared tablet or computer.

You can also track how many visitors are currently in the facility.

Setting up the visitor log module

Follow these steps to quickly get started with the visitor log module at your facility.

1. Enable the visitor log module

To enable the module:

  1. Go to the Club module. (Depending on your settings, this module could be called differently, for example Organisation or Association)

  2. Open the Visitor Log card.

  3. Tick the checkbox to enable the visitor log and then press Save:

2. Customise the introduction text and the terms and conditions

For further customisation of the visitor log, click on the Text tab and adjust the introduction text and terms & conditions to your liking. Both of these text fields have support for markdown if you want to use additional formatting.

if you specify terms and conditions, any visitor will have to read and agree to those terms. You can use this to ensure that visitors are not experiencing any symptoms of illness for example, and asking them to leave if they do.

3. Download and print a QR code image

If you want to print a large QR code so that visitors can scan this and do the visitor log/check-in on their own device, thereby avoiding the need to touch a shared computer, click on the button in the bottom left to get your unique QR code:

Click on the QR code that pops up to download the image. You can use this in any document that you create and print it out and hang it at the club entrance.

4. Enable kiosk mode

If you want to use the visitor log on a tablet or computer at the club so that people who don't have their phone on them can sign in as well, you need to login to Hello Club as an administrator on that device first.

Once you're logged in on that device, enable kiosk mode in Hello Club:

  1. Go to the Club module. (Depending on your settings, this module could be called differently, for example Organisation or Association)

  2. Open the Kiosk mode card.

  3. Ensure that Visitor log is selected as the default kiosk page:

Lastly, press the green button to enable kiosk mode on that particular device:

Once enabled, you can sign out of Hello Club again and that should bring up the visitor log which also contains a QR code for members to scan directly from the device.

To see how the visitor log captures visitor information or learn how to log your visit as a member, please see this help article for members and visitors.

Viewing and exporting logs

To view visitor logs:

  1. Login as an administrator

  2. Go to the Logs module

  3. Click on the Visitor logs tab

By default, all visitor logs for the past week will be displayed. You can adjust the date range as needed using the filters:

You can also use the search bar on top to search for specific logs, for example all logs for a certain member, or everyone from a specific suburb or city.

To export all logs for your current filters and date range, click on the gray export button at the bottom right of the screen:

This will export the visitor logs as a CSV file with complete details, which you can pass on to anyone performing a contact trace analysis at your facility.

Frequently asked questions

We will be taking feedback on board and keep a close eye on any official regulations coming out, and will adapt the module further as needed. In the meantime, we've collected some commonly asked questions below.

Is the visitor log module be available on any plan?

Yes, we've worked hard to make this module available on every plan and for every club, including those on our Free plan. We want every club or organisation to have the tools required to re-open their facility with confidence, and you're welcome to use Hello Club just for the visitor log if you need to.

How do we get started with the visitor log as a new club?

If you're new to Hello Club and want to use our visitor log module, please have a look at our special help article which helps you get started with the visitor log in 5 easy to follow steps. 

What information is captured with each visitor log?

For each visit, the following information is collected:

  • Date and time of the visit

  • Name of the member or visitor

  • Phone number and email address

  • Home address

  • Reason for the visit

  • Expected departure time

  • IP address of the device the visit was logged from

This is in line with current best practices and regulations for contact tracing, however in the near future we will add more flexibility so that you can choose what data to collect.

Can we track how many visitors are currently in the facility?

Yes, to display the number of visitors currently in the facility on the visitor log:

  1. Head to the Visitor Log settings under Club

  2. Enable the setting to display the current number of visitors then press Save:

Can we print the QR code instead of using a tablet or computer?

Yes absolutely:

  1. Head to the Visitor Log settings under Club

  2. Click on the button Get QR code in the bottom left

A popup will open with the QR code for your unique visitor log link. Click the QR code to download it as an image to your computer. You can then print this QR code and hang it at the door with further instructions.

What if someone doesn’t have a phone on them?

If a visitor doesn't have a phone on them, they can still complete the visitor log if you make this available on a kiosk computer or tablet at the facility. If this is not available, they will not be able to log their visit while at the facility unfortunately.

What if a member doesn't login on their phone?

If a registered member completes the visitor log without signing in first, they will be recorded as a guest, and the log will not be linked to their member account. All relevant details will still be captured in the log for contact tracing purposes.

What if someone is unable to scan the QR code with their phone?

If your phone is not able to scan the QR code, please check the following:

  • Ensure the phone's operating system is up to date

  • Ensure the phone's camera app is up to date

  • Ensure the phone's camera app can scan QR codes

Not all phones can scan QR codes with the camera app, so you may need to download a specific app that can read QR codes.

Will this module record the exact time someone left the facility?

No, at this stage the visitor log won't keep track of the exact time someone left the facility again, as we don't force visitors to "check out" again once they've checked in. We do ask for an estimated time at which the visitor expects to leave the facility, but this could potentially be different from the time that they actually departed the facility.

Given the nature of the COVID-19 virus and the fact that it can survive on surfaces for extended periods of time, sometimes even days, it is likely that if an infected person visited your facility, the virus could potentially affect visitors that come in hours or days later. As a result, any contact tracing efforts will probably be focussed on a much wider time frame than the exact window an infected visitor was at the facility, so capturing the exact time of departure of a person will likely not make much of a difference.

Can we use tags to track visitors instead?

If you have our access control system, and all your members have a key tag to enter the facility, you can opt to keep your doors closed and instruct every member to tag in at the door, even if they arrive in a group of people. This will be recorded in your Access Log and each entry will be linked to the relevant member. 

However, while this is convenient for the members, there are some drawbacks:

  • You will not be able to capture the details of non-members or visitors and service people like cleaners, delivery people, etc.

  • You will not be able to export all the relevant contact details of the members when exporting access logs.

So it could result in some more work if you are asked to provide detailed logs for a particular day, and you may still need to provide a visitor log option for non-members that don't have a tag.

What if the module doesn't fit our COVID-19 contact tracing requirements?

We've done our best to have the module capture all details of visitors essential for successful contact tracing. However, if you believe a feature is missing, please let us know and we'll do our best to include it in a future update.

I have another question

If you have any other questions about this module or need help setting it up for your club, please reach out to us using the live chat.

Further reading

You can find more tips and help in our special COVID-19 help articles collection.

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