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Filters and the search function
Filters and the search function

Find out how our powerful filters and smart search function can help you narrow down results and find the information you’re looking for

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

Most modules in Hello Club come equipped with handy filters as well as an easy to use smart search function. You can use these to find specific data or generate custom reports.


To start working with filters, go to an overview page with a list of items, for example the Members overview, and look for the Filter icon on the top right of your screen in the black header:

Clicking on this icon will open up the filter panel with a variety of filters that you can use to generate reports or hunt down specific information.

Most of our filters should be pretty self explanatory, so give them a go next time you’re looking for specific data.

Search function

In addition to filters, you can also use our smart search function to further narrow down your results or find specific members or data.

The search bar is located at the top of the screen in the black header:

Simply type in what you’re looking for and the list of results will automatically reflect your search query. For members for example, you can try searching by name, email address, member number or even for contents in their notes.

Clearing the filter

To clear the filter, select the refresh icon at the top of the filter window:

This will revert any filters you have selected and change the filter window to its default state.

Not finding what you need?

If you can’t find the data you need or if you’d like to see additional filters, please let us know using the live chat. We’re happy to help out and always consider all feedback or feature suggestions.

Further reading

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