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Restrictions based on vaccination status

Prevent non-vaccinated members from making bookings, signing up to events or accessing the facility

Jade Perkins avatar
Written by Jade Perkins
Updated over 2 years ago

We’ve made some tools available that allow you to apply restrictions on non-vaccinated members, including restricting their ability to:

  • Make bookings

  • Sign up to events

  • Access the facility

  • Activate court lights

Read on to find out how to set this up at your facility, or find out how to manage the vaccination status of your members first.

Setting up booking restrictions

To disallow non-vaccinated members or casuals from making bookings for a certain activity:

  1. Head to Activities and click on the relevant activity to edit it

  2. Open the Details card

  3. Under Booking settings, toggle the following checkbox:

  4. Press Save to confirm

  5. Repeat this process for other activities as needed

Members that aren’t vaccinated or exempt will now no longer be able to make bookings for this activity. They will be shown a message that indicates they need to confirm their vaccination status, and asked to self-verify (if available) or to contact the club instead:

If the member making the booking is vaccinated, but another member in the booking is not, it will not allow the member to make the booking, but the error message will not make any mention of the vaccination status of the other member for privacy reasons.

Note: this setting will not prevent vaccinated members from making bookings with visitors at this stage. This is something the club will have to make their own explicit rules about. We suggest either disabling the visitor mode, or requiring a condition to be agreed to, in order to confirm that the visitors are vaccinated as well.

Setting up event restrictions

To prevent non-vaccinated members from signing up to an event:

  1. Head to Events and create or edit an event

  2. Under Attendance > Rules & fees, click on the relevant rule to edit it

  3. In the dialog that pops up, click Next to go to the second page

  4. Under Options, toggle the following checkbox:

  5. Press Save to confirm

  6. Repeat this for all relevant member rules.

Members that aren’t vaccinated or exempt will now no longer be able to sign up to the event using these rules. This also gives you the flexibility to set up specific rules for vaccinated or non-vaccinated members, for example to allow vaccinated members to sign up earlier and take priority.

Members that are not vaccinated or exempt will not have the option to sign up to the event and will be shown a generic warning message. There will be no explicit mention of their vaccination status.

Note: this setting will not apply to Guests or external visitors that sign up using the public events feature, as we do not currently collect vaccination status information about external visitors and guests.

Setting up access restrictions

If you are using one of our newer access control system integrations (ICT or Hawkeye 900), you can now also restrict non-vaccinated members from accessing the facility.

To prevent access to the facility for specific doors or during specific times:

  1. Head to System > Access rules

  2. Edit the relevant access rules or create a new one

  3. Toggle the following checkbox:

  4. Press Save to confirm

  5. Repeat this for other access rules as needed

Members that aren't vaccinated or exempt will not be granted access to the facility if they try to use their tag or pin number and one of the relevant rules apply at that time. The access log, which is only visible by administrators and viewers, will state that they weren‘t granted access due to their vaccination status.

Note: Administrators and members with door override controls will still have access to all doors, regardless of their vaccinated status. Service tags will also retain access, so you’ll have to manually enable/disable them as required per your policy.

Note: If a member has member specific access rules defined on their profile, these will still override global access rules defined on the system level. You can add vaccination restrictions to member specific access rules as well.

Bulk access rule changes

To make it easier to apply restrictions in bulk on all of your access rules, including member specific rules, we have also developed a handy tool to do just that:

  1. Head to System > Access rules

  2. Click on the Bulk vaccination rules button

  3. Use the green or red button to either enable or disable the vaccination requirement for all your access rules in bulk

Setting up court light / kiosk session restrictions

To disallow non-vaccinated members or casuals from starting a session and activating court lights for a certain activity, the same setting as for the booking restrictions is used. To set this up:

  1. Head to Activities and click on the relevant activity to edit it

  2. Open the Details card

  3. Under Booking settings, toggle the following checkbox:

  4. Press Save to confirm

  5. Repeat this process for other activities as needed

Members that aren’t vaccinated or exempt will now no longer be able to start or join a session on the touch screen for this activity. They will be shown a message that indicates they need to confirm their vaccination status by self-verifying or contacting the club instead.

Note: Administrators and members with light override controls will still be able to override court lights, regardless of their vaccinated status. Service tags will also retain access, so you’ll have to manually enable/disable them as required.

Frequently asked questions

How can I manage the vaccination status of my members?

Please refer to our help article on managing the vaccination status of your members.

Can members view their own vaccination status?

Yes, members are able to view their own vaccination status on their Profile page.

Can members see the vaccination status of other members?

No, members cannot view the vaccination status of other members. Only staff members (administrators, viewers and event managers) will be able to see the vaccination status of all members.

Can members update their own vaccination status?

Yes, in certain countries members can now self-verify their vaccination status using a government issued vaccine pass with QR code.

To avoid abuse, this is the only way for members to update their vaccination status. In countries where self-verification using vaccine pass is not available, only an administrator will be able to update the vaccination status of a member.

We recommend that you ask your members for verifiable proof of their vaccination status before updating their data.

Can we verify the vaccination status of a member using their vaccine pass?

Yes, in certain countries you can now verify the vaccination status of a member using a government issued vaccine pass with QR code.

Further reading

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