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Troubleshooting common Xero synchronisation problems
Troubleshooting common Xero synchronisation problems

Here you will find steps to resolve some common synchronisation problems

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

In general, if you find any issue with your Xero integration, the first place to look would be the Audit logs. But note that by default, logs from automated tasks (like the Xero sync process) are not shown.

To view logs related to the Xero integration, open the audit log filter and ensure that type is set to Integration and that the checkbox to Show automated tasks is ticked:

You will now see all logs related to the Xero integration, including automated tasks. If any errors occurred during your synchronisation, this is where they will show up.

Common synchronisation problems

Account type is invalid for making a payment to/from

This error is encountered if you have not enabled payments to one or more of your account types that require payments to be enabled.

To find out which accounts require payments to be enabled, head to the Integrations module, open the Xero card and click on the Accounts tab. Accounts that require payments to be enabled will be marked with the following message:

To enable payments for an account in Xero, head to your Chart of Accounts and locate the account in question. Click on the name of the account to edit it, and in the popup that appears, find the following checkbox at the bottom of the options:

Save the account, and your next sync should go without hiccups.

The document date cannot be before the period lock date

This error can occur when you added a transaction to Hello Club with a date in the past, before the Xero period lock date, and then mark that transaction as paid.

Hello Club will try to sync this transaction to Xero the next time the synchronisation process runs, but Xero won't allow a new invoice or payment to be created with a date outside of the current period.

The solution is to edit the payment and transaction to ensure the date falls within the current period. If you've missed a payment or transaction and want to record it in your previous financial year, please consult your accountant on how to make a manual journal correction in Xero.

The contact must contain at least 1 of the following elements to identify the contact: Name, ContactID, ContactNumber

This error can occur when the contact you are using to sync Hello Club transactions to Xero with is invalid or has been removed.

To resolve this, first create a valid contact for Hello Club to use in Xero, then head to the Integrations module, open the Xero card, click on the Contact tab and select the contact you created from the list.

Alternatively, you can click on Create new contact instead to create a new contact from within Hello Club.

Organisation is not subscribed to currency

This error occurs when the currency of your club in Hello Club does not match the currency of your organisation in Xero. Please ensure that your Xero currency matches the currency of the country that your Hello Club account is in.

If your Hello Club account country or currency are incorrect, please contact us.

Minute rate limit exceeded

This means that too many requests have been made to the Xero server from your account in a short time. Please wait a while before retrying your sync.

Further reading

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