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Setting up a POLi account

A step by step guide to help you set up a new POLi account so you can start accepting account-to-account payments.

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

Note: POLi account-to-account payments are currently only available in New Zealand

Account-to-account payments

In addition to credit and debit card payment options, we offer account-to-account payments in New Zealand which come with significantly lower payment processing fees.

Account-to-account payments for New Zealand are processed securely through POLi

By connecting your own POLi account to Hello Club, all money that your members pay via account-to-account is deposited straight into your own bank account.

To start accepting account-to-account payments, you need to open a POLi account for your organisation first.

Opening a POLi account

Before opening a POLi account, make sure you have the following handy:

  • Your club or organisation bank account number

  • A statement or screenshot from your internet banking to prove your bank account number

  • Your club or organisation logo

Furthermore, make sure you are authorised to sign on behalf of your club or organisation, or invite someone who is to help you open the account.

Head over to the POLi sign up page and follow these steps:

  1. Select the option "I would like to offer POLi to my Customers"

  2. Enter your name and contact details and press Next.

  3. Select your organisation type. We recommend selecting "Non-profit" if you’re a sports club and unsure what to pick, as the minimum account activity fee is waived for charitable, community or public sector organisations.

  4. Enter the rest of your organisation details including the bank account number where payments are to be deposited and press Next.

  5. If prompted how you would like to use POLi, select "I want to use POLi via an eCommerce provider." and enter "Hello Club" as the name of your provider.

  6. Upload your bank account number proof (a bank statement should suffice) as well as your club or organisation logo.

  7. Tick the checkbox to acknowledge you have read and understood the pricing for POLi and press Next.

  8. Tick the checkbox to accept POLi's terms and conditions and press Submit to confirm your application.

You should receive a confirmation email from POLi once your account has been opened. In the email you will find your login details to the POLi dashboard, as well as your Merchant Code and Authentication Code. You'll need these to connect your account to Hello Club.

Connecting your POLi account to Hello Club

Once you have received your confirmation email, locate your Merchant Code and Authentication Code in the Merchant Account Record PDF and follow these steps to connect your account to Hello Club:

  1. Login to Hello Club as an administrator and head to the Integrations module.

  2. Open the POLi integration card.

  3. Click on Connect account

  4. Enter your Merchant Code and Authentication Code and then press Save.

Your POLi account will now be connected and ready to use. The last step is to review your fee cover strategy and you’ll be ready to start accepting online payments through POLi. 

Ensure the POLi integration is working

Once you’ve connected your POLi account to Hello Club and reviewed your fee strategy, it’s a good idea to attempt a test payment to make sure your POLi integration is working as expected. 

The easiest way to do this, is to head to your Account page and try to purchase some account credit. When prompted, select POLi as your payment method and then continue until you reach the POLi bank selection screen. 

If you can see a number of banks in the list it means your POLi integration is up and running correctly. If you only see iBank showing up however, it means your POLi integration is still in test mode, and you have to contact the POLi support team to ask them to switch you to live mode.

You don’t have to complete the actual payment, and you can simply cancel out of the POLi payment flow to go back to Hello Club.

POLi for non-profits

POLi has lower payment processing fees for non-profit organisations and charges less per transaction. If you are a non-profit organisation and you are charged lower non-profit fees by POLi, please check this option when setting up your integration to ensure that your members aren’t overcharged.

If you’re unsure what rates POLi charges you, please confirm in your agreement with POLi or contact the POLi support team.


If you run into any issues or have further questions about opening a POLi account, please contact us or the POLi support team directly.

Further reading

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