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Google Calendar integration

Publish your classes or events to your calendars automatically using our Google Calendar integration

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

About our Google Calendar integration

Our Google Calendar integration allows you to synchronise events set up in Hello Club to one or more Google Calendar calendars..

This means you can quickly publish events onto Google Calendar without having to leave Hello Club.

Setting up the Google Calendar integration

To setup the Google Calendar integration:

  1. Go to the Integrations module

  2. Open the Google Calendar card

  3. Click on the green Connect to Google Calendar button

  4. You will be taken to Google where you need to sign in with your Google account to authorise the integration

  5. Once you've logged in, you will be taken back to Hello Club

  6. Click on Setup enabled calendars to select default calendars that you would like to publish events to

  7. Click Save to save your settings

Your integration is now setup and ready to go!

Adding an event to Google Calendar

After you’ve setup your Google Calendar integration, you can publish events to your calendars as follows:

  1. Go to the Events module and create or update an event

  2. On the Date & Time card, you should see the list of enabled calendars

  3. Tick the calendar or calendars you want to publish the event to

  4. Save the event

You should see the event show up on your Google Calendar shortly!

Frequently asked questions

Can I make changes to the events on Google Calendar after they've been published?

Yes, you can edit the events on Google Calendar after they've been created if you want, but keep in mind that if you change the event in Hello Club at a later stage, it will update the linked Google Calendar event accordingly and may overwrite any changes you've made.

Can multi-day events be published to Google Calendar?

Yes, each instance of the multi-day event will be published to the calendar. However, bear in mind that if you want to remove the event from Google Calendar afterwards, you will have to untick the calendar checkbox for each event instance separately.

Can recurring events be published to Google Calendar?

Due to the way recurring events are handled on Google Calendar, it is currently not possible to publish a whole recurring event series to Google Calendar.

However, if you want to publish a recurring event, we will publish the first instance of the recurring series to Google Calendar, so that you can then easily edit this event on Google Calendar to make it recurring.

We are looking to provide full support for recurring events with Google Calendar in the future.

What about bookings made by members, or event attendees?

Bookings made my members, as well as event attendees signing up to your events, will receive a Google Calendar compatible ICS file in their confirmation email, allowing them to add the booking or event to their own calendar easily.

There is no need to connect to the Google Calendar integration for this purpose.

Are you planning other calendar integrations in the future?

Yes, we may offer an iCal integration at some stage in the future.

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