Campaign Monitor integration

Quickly add members to your mailing lists and subscribe them to your newsletters with our Campaign Monitor integration

Lauren Hose avatar
Written by Lauren Hose
Updated over a week ago

About our Campaign Monitor integration

Our Campaign Monitor integration allows you to add members to your Campaign Monitor mailing lists, and subscribe them to specific lists or interest groups.

This means you can quickly subscribe new or existing members to your newsletters, without having to leave Hello Club.

Setting up the Campaign Monitor integration

To setup the Campaign Monitor integration:

  1. Go to the Integrations module.

  2. Open the Campaign Monitor card.

  3. Click on the green Connect to Campaign Monitor button.

  4. You will be taken to Campaign Monitor where you need to login with your Campaign Monitor username and password to authorise the integration. 

  5. Once you've logged in, you will be taken back to Hello Club.

  6. Click on Setup default lists to select default lists and interest groups for your members.

  7. Click Save to save your integration settings.

Your integration is now setup and ready to go!

Adding all current members to Campaign Monitor

After you’ve setup your Campaign Monitor integration, you can add all your current members to Campaign Monitor as follows:

  1. Go to your Members in the People module.

  2. Hover over the green plus button in the bottom right, then click on the add to Add members to Campaign Monitor button:

In the dialog that shows up, select the lists and/or interest groups that you want to add your members to and press Continue to start adding the members. Members will be added in batches of up to 500 members at a time.

Please note that only current members with a valid email address will be added to Campaign Monitor. Archived members or members without email address will not be added.

Adding a specific member

To add a single member to Campaign Monitor:

  1. Go to your Members in the People module and locate the member in question using the search box or simply by finding their name in the list.

  2. Select the Add to Campaign Monitor option in the member’s context menu.

  3. Select the lists and/or interest groups that you want to add the member to and press Confirm to add the member.

Adding a new member

If you’re adding a new member and you have entered their email address, you will be presented with an option to automatically add them to Campaign Monitor as well:

Simply tick this checkbox to automatically add the new member to your default mailing lists and interest groups.

If you want to add the member to specific lists or interest groups instead, you can untick the checkbox and add them to Campaign Monitor later after you’ve created the member.

Automatically adding newly registered members

If you have enabled self registration of new members, you can automatically add newly registered members to your default mailing lists and interest groups:

  1. Go to the Club module. (Depending on your settings, this module could be called differently, for example Organisation or Association)

  2. Open the Registration card.

  3. Under Mailing integrations, tick the checkbox to automatically add members to your Campaign Monitor lists.

  4. Press Save to confirm your settings.

Frequently asked questions

What happens if someone is already on my mailing list?

If someone is already on your mailing list, they will not be added again, but have their details updated instead. This prevents duplicates and keeps your data up-to-date in Campaign Monitor.

If someone has unsubscribed from my mailing lists, will they be added again if I add all members?

No, if you are adding all members at once, anyone who has previously unsubscribed from your mailing lists will not be subscribed again.

However, if you are adding a single member to Campaign Monitor, we will attempt to subscribe them again. This way you can add someone that may have unsubscribed by accident, or wants to resubscribe.

I'm getting an error when adding someone to my mailing list.

There could be several reasons why Campaign Monitor may reject a certain email address. One possibility is that the email address may be present on the suppressed emails list, meaning that it may have hard bounced or that the person unsubscribed from your mailing list.

Another reason could be that the email address the person is using comes from a throw-away email service, like Campaign Monitor may not let you add these to your lists.

What if different members share the same email address?

If different members share the same email address, only one of them will be added. You can update their name in Campaign Monitor manually if needed.

I can’t find a certain member in Campaign Monitor.

Please make sure that the member is not archived, and that they have a valid email address. If this member is using the same email address as a different member, it’s possible that the other member has been added instead.

Other mailing integrations

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